Solid Ground

Headed up to Vermont for Wilco’s Solid Sound festival. In a lot of ways, three days of rock and/or roll is probably all that a 50-something dude should be able to pull off, and I was close.

But Sunday dawned absolutely beautiful. We were staying in a singlewide up in the Vermont hills north of North Adams; probably paid way, way too much, but why else have we been working for 30 years?

Regardless, I’d dragged the mountain bike up to Vermont, so, damnit, I was going to ride the mountain bike.

 A quick search showed there were “trails” about a mile east, so I set out.

Absolutely the wrong way, but I figured it out.

Got back to the start, and then spent like a gazillion minutes (ed: 30 minutes) riding/pushing the bike up hill on pretty mild gravel. I’m kinda skeptical that I need lower gearing – I just don’t spin. More, I need to drop 30 lbs.

Eventually got to the top of what was supposed to be a “blue” trail. But, having not ridden it before, and having not ridden my hardtail in probably a year or so. the downhill was also a walk – slick, wet, full of babies heads.

The downhills on two track were blissful.  

Pie Day

Mmmmm, pie. Mostly, this post is to keep momentum going.

I’m coming off a big chunk of travel for work; surprisingly, I haven’t gained any weight. I’ve started experimenting with intermittent fasting in my ongoing attempt to drop some pounds; it’s going reasonably well. I’m down like 2 pounds in 3 weeks, which isn’t so terrible.

Sleep is really my big issue; I’d be less concerned if I were actually getting stuff done when I’m up late; however, I’m not. I think that short messaging apps are a big part of the problem – doomscrolling has replaced blogging and studying; need to break that habit and start being productive.


Some numbers from last year:

  • Running – 124.4 miles. Most of that probably walking
  • Cycling – 1,477 miles – better than I thought. I think mostly outdoors
  • Weight – Started at 215, ended at 225. When I started this blog, I was at 180. 
  • Posts in 2024 – exactly one.

But, my doctor described me as “a very pleasant 50-something male … Normal appearance. He is well-developed”. Which, I suppose is true.

On the plus side, 2022, while being lighter, was far less fit:

  • Running: 102 miles. Definately most walking
  • Cycling: 1,949 miles – this actually surprises me a lot. But, I think much of this was trainer miles in the fall / winter.
  • Posts: 4


I suppose I’m not really complaining, just using the blog to think again. 


I’d say I’m going to post more frequently in 2023, but we alll know that’s a big fat lie. So, let’s start with a straight up “Happy New Year”, and be done with it.

Today started with a long time on the couch; then I finally got off my butt, fixed some stuff around the house, went to the grocery and bought cheese, glorious cheese and some cream. Smoked a turkey yesterday, so that means we’ve got Tetrazzini. (Spoiler: Yum)

Workout was good – 90 minutes (with a rest) of my first Zwift race plus another 45 minutes of junk miles. Worked out the wiggles before heading back to work tomorrow.

Anyway, was thinking about writing resolutions, but probably won’t.

Beautiful Weekend. Didn’t ride

It’s a little bit ironic. I’d lubed up the bike, laid out the kit, made time in the schedule. And I didn’t get in a single mile outside. Yet I’m still joyous over the weekend.

Let’s begin on Friday. I thought the day was going to be short-ish, and that I’d be out of the office by about 2. But, finally had a really productive meeting with one of my teams, and ended up pushing through til 4. And, so rather than standing my wife up for supper, I did a quick run, a quick asana, and jumped in the ocean on Friday.

Saturday, I slept in (Friday was a really good night), and started rebuilding the boat rack in the backyard; then spent the afternoon floating in the Mystic River for FloatElla. Music and beers with some other friends about to be college empty-nesters, and life is all sorts of good.

Today, finished up the kayak rack (It’s <chef’s kiss>), actually took parts I didn’t use back to the hardware store, got the convertible washed, picked up fish for supper, and cleaned the rubble out of the back yard. By the time I was done, it was almost 5, so I sat on Zwift and watched She-Hulk #2. Felt good.

So, beautiful summer weekend, but I didn’t actually get any miles in on the bike. Part of me is really going to regret this in January, but most of me is going to be happy every day when I leave for work and the back yard isn’t a mess.

Dog Days

Boy, has it been a summer. Graduation, lots of family visitors, vacations, new colleges, and soon to be an empty nest. No injuries, thankfully, and I’ve actually been running reliably again without a ton of pain.

The bike has really been my joy, as usual – Southeast New England is probably one of the best places on the planet to ride. Not enough mountains to really turn out phenomenal riders, but enough great terrain to put lots of people on bikes.

Today’s ride wasn’t anything special – just wanted to try out a new pair of shoes and actually put some sweat out. It’s been a busy week at work, with Monday having been off dropping a kid at school, and with the end of the fiscal year rapidly approaching. But it was a ride, it happened, and it was good.

I suppose I should have gotten out earlier, but it the Vuelta was on, I’d had a beer or two too many, and Mrs. Jank and oldest kid wanted to go stroll with the dog, so that was out. Oldest kid and I also spent some quality time running errands – really looking forward to him graduating college in December and the future ahead of him; but spending some time with him now is a gift.

So, I headed out in the heat of the day, about the time that people started heading into town for supper. So, traffic was a little bit heavier than I’d like, and the legs were leaden after about a week off. But the ride got done.

The bees buzzed,, the breeze blew, and the sun beat down on my ears. Miles rolled by under my wheels, the new shoes were great, and there’s corn and steak on the grill, a great bottle of wine waiting, and all is good.


So, way back in the day in January, I wrote some stuff about how 2022 wasn’t going to be a crap year like 2020, or 2021.

Well, apparently, I lied.

Anyway, I come not to bury Billy, but to figure out how to save Billy.

Actually, I don’t even really need to figure out how to save Billy – we already know that. Consistency is all I ask. Mediocrity is all I plead. I need to eat less crap and move more.

So, I moved today. Weather was glorious, played hooky from a meeting.

More tomorrow.


Haze grey and meh temperature. Much like many New Year’s Days past, and like many more to come.

Oh, wait one – I was about to write resolutions; ought to go get started on them first.

Alrite – I’m back. Actually ran today, then slow ride to the Y and a K in the pool.

2021 was a good rebuilding year – I think I’ve worked through my ankle issues that have been plaguing me since 2016. I got back in the habit of working out most days, and I’m in a decent mind space. I’ve been doing yoga and seeing changes in posture and muscle.

So, pretty bullish on 2022


  • 10 miles / week running; 500 miles total for the year. This is 3 5k’s a week, and I think the legs are up to it
  • 50 miles / week on the bike; 2500 miles total for the year. Without really trying, and with 2 months off the bike when I borked my arm, I came within 100 miles of this in 2021. Least ambitious goal.
  • 2,000 yds/week swimming, 60k total for the year. I’ll be honest – I’m a crap swimmer, but can knock out 1k in less than 25 minutes, and think I can really pick it up. This is 2 swims per week. The yearly total is way off because I think I’m going to travel more, and can’t always find a pool.
  • The new goal is 5x week on doing at least 10 minutes of yoga. The Apple+ workouts have been awesome, and I really feel an improvement in the last quarter.

Oh, also more pictures. Failed that today.

A runner, if you can keep it


Two posts in 8 days. Which is something that I haven’t done in, well a while.

This afternoon was small child’s last home cross-country meet in high school. Small child who couldn’t hold his head up by himself when I started this blog. Small child who can now operate a motor vehicle by himself, and who, I hope, will be out of the house starting to adult in a mere 11 months. If college counts as adulting, which is up for debate. But Mrs. Jank and I are really trying to make him drive that process.

So, I ditched work early and headed off to Haley Farm State Park where Fitch hosts their home meets, and where I’ve ran probably 400 times, especially when the men’s group was younger and still running. I love this park. In a lot of other places, and at an earlier time, it probably would have become a subdivision. But, one of the positive outcomes of Connecticut’s style of NIMBY-ism and property taxes is that there’s a whole lot of large-ish parcels of land that get converted into nature preserves or parks close to where people actually live. Haley Farm is one of those. And, Fitch High School borders here, so the XC team has trained here for decades.

Anyway, I can’t recommend XC as a sport for kids enough – next to no equipment, minimal coaching, tires them out after school for several months each year. Usually takes advantage of public land. Kids get out of it what they put into it, and everyone pretty much improves over the season. Spectating is good – sit in a field and watch the kids run and the sun set.

Anyway, good race. Stonington’s got a kid who’s amazing. Crushed it. Minute or so ahead of two kids from Norwich, who were about 20 seconds ahead of one of the kids who’s grown up alongside small child. Kid’s been a phenom since middle school – scored (finished in the top group from the school) in his first race in 6th grade, which is amazeballs. Small child came in 6th for Fitch for the second time this season, which means he’s a letterman again.

Hung out after the race for the traditional roast of the seniors and cake. Mrs. Jank dragged the kid home, and I put on the sneakers and headed out.

The good news is that I think between rehab and almost a year of pretty much not running, I’ve healed my left ankle. What did I do? I:

  • Stayed off it for the better part of 6 months
  • 3 months of pretty dedicated PT and stretching
  • A false start and more pain
  • Losing 10 pounds
  • More stretching
  • 6 months walking in minimalist shoes
  • And a super cautious return to running

I’ll do a post another day on the minimalist thing – I’m still walking and using them for day to day activities, and I think it’s helped, but the experiment in running minimalist didn’t. But, after a month of very slow building, I’m up to 2 miles a run, about 3 times a week.

By running, I mean “Galloway-ing” – running with good form til I’m tired, walking for a minute or two, and then running with good form til I’m tired again. It isn’t the fastest, but it’s keeping me not broken.

Run was ideal – the weather was low 70s and dry; the course was mostly dry but not dusty, and the light through the trees was dappled and beautiful. Breeze was blowing, but not enough to be a headwind. Grass on the trails had been mown probably late last week.

Run was good. I didn’t feel pressure to push through sketchy sections, but being out on the trails was good. Set a third personal fastest time heading up one of the hills I haven’t run in 18 months, which is nice.

It’s so nice to see that I might still be a runner after all.

Ride your bike


Yes, I ran a 5K back in the spring.

And there’s been some amazeballs progress through some diet program that you’ve probably heard about on your favorite podcast

And the running is getting better – not quite sure why, but probably because it couldn’t get worse.

But, I screwed up my arm doing housework, and the summer started going to heck.

Then, a close family member passed. Like close, as in not that much younger than me. Not an “elder”; nor someone whose passing was expected.


Like, really Fsck.

Anyway, so I’m winged, and I spent a couple weeks in Texas, and I hit a milestone birthday, and Jesus, I’m not nearly where I ought to be for someone who used to be able to crank out a 1:45-ish half-marathon.


  • I’ve been taking it easy on the run for like 12 months. I’ve experimented with shoes, and stretching, and
  • Jesus Christ, I’ve kept it easy for like 12 months
  • And it seems to be working.

But today wasn’t a run day, it was a bike day. Or was supposed to be. So, even tho I didn’t really want to ride, I dressed out after taking a nap this afternoon.


Down the stairs, to the garage, and actually pulled the bike off the wall. This is a win, rite?

Eh, tires are soft. Pump ‘em up.

OK, so that’s done. Let’s just clip in and go around the block.

Nice. Sun is shining, breeze is brisk coming off the sound. We’ll make it across the bridge, and see how things feel.

Things feel good. Like real good.

So, let’s take the turn up Montauk, then up past the golf course, and then past the corn field, and then keep going, and then I’m on Boston Post road.

FSCK. Uphill from Fischer’s Island sound SUCKS. I am old, fat, and outta shape.

But, I’ve also poured 30+ minutes into driving uphill from the house, and traffic is light. Let’s see what we can do.

Left turn onto Boston Post Road. Catch the breath, suck down half a bottle, and try to figure out where the turn to Al Harvey is.

On Al Harvey, the headphones die. No more CyclingTips podcast in my ears, just cows and breeze and post-tourist September and old white wheezing dude. Waved at the Stonington cops parked in the gun club. Moo’d at the cows soon to become local, grass fed beef. Chugged downhill.

There’s a feeling on the bike that only comes around once in a while, and I hit it this afternoon, heading down from Boston Post Road. Every rise in the road was a chance to get out of the saddle and crank. Every downhill was a chance to be in the drops and crank. Every corner was a racing turn, once I confirmed there were no cars in the way.


This is just to say that

I have railed the corners

that you have paused at

I know that you were

saving them for breakfast

Thank you

They were so warm

So open, and tires so grippy.