NYC’est Fini

Finished the NY Marathon. Will write more tonight, but wanted to say “Thanks” to all, and give a couple of thoughts:

1. Absolutely a great race if you’re interested in either adding it to your palmares, or interested in just doing one. The course is great, the spectators are amazing, and the race is pretty well supported.

2. It is official – running a second marathon two weeks after your first is a dumb, dumb idea. I completely ran out of gas about mile 18, and walked the majority of the last eight. Partially to avoid excessive pain on Monday, partially because I just couldn’t summon up the will to make my legs turn over at a running pace.

3. In sport that is available to “the rest of us”, NYC deserves a really special place. Coming off of the Queensboro bridge onto Manhattan was amazing – thousands of people waiting at the bottom feels like coming into an Olympic stadium. Then the turn onto First Ave – incredible. Runners and screaming spectators quite literally as far as the eye can see; a swarming mass stretching all the way to the Harlem river. Wow. That was good for an extra two miles out of exhausted legs.

4. I can now say that I recall Central Park in fall. The race promoters must be in on the whole global warming conspiracy – the leaves were golden and releasing as the race entered the park, the sunlight was phenomenal. If not for the pain, I would mark that down as the best 2.5 miles of my running career.

For those keeping score, I came in at slightly over 5 hours. Was on pace for about 4:15 until I completely fell apart at mile 18; the extra 45 minutes are from walking 5 of the last 8 miles.

As I mentioned, I’d recommend the race. Due to the sheer volume of runners, though, I wouldn’t plan on setting a PR at this race.

Jumping on the train soon. Actually looking forward to it, which kind of surprises me. Read Jake a book about the Brooklyn Bridge and John Roebling – starting the brainwashing about engineers early.

Best wishes to everyone else racing this weekend!


Yesterday? 1/2 mile in 30 minutes. Think I’m taking this taper thing a little too literally.

‘Cept it was in the pool.

Yeah, back on standard time, back to hitting the YMCA at night. The upside is that this year, they’ve added another hour to the evening lap swim, so there were like two other guys in the pool when I started.

So, I took it easy – 5x breast, two sets of 5x free, and a cooldown of 5x breast. Never really breathed hard.

But it felt good to be back into the water. My arms were kind of confused – “Hey, what gives? We don’t get used continuously …” I could really, really feel the neglected triceps, delts, and lats, and even my core was starting to complain near the end (Note to self – this is why you do pushups and situps). But it felt good. Taking back to the water this year looks to be an easier transition than last year.

As far as NYC goes?

Frankly, I think the anticipation to this race is worse than the anticipation for Mystic Places. There’s none of the “Hey, I’m going to be a marathoner” to look forward to, and on top of the general soreness of the race, it’s 3 hours back to the house once I limp down to Grand Central. Bleh. But, I should be able to see some folks I haven’t seen in a while, which will be nice.

After this? I start working on Christian – he’s going to start the NYC road runners’ beginning running program next week, and I’m gonna do it with him. Begin with easy walking, works up to 5 miles in about 2 months. Should be fun. I also start counting calories next week – down to 160 by Christmas?


Saturday was an unexpectedly nice day. The forecast called for rain, but, for once, it erred on the side of water, and was beautiful and sunny. Baby was going down for a nap, wife had loaded up the car with stuff for Goodwill, and she says “Hey, why don’t you go drop this off, and stop and run at Bluff Point on your way home.”

Dude, I was on that like stink on poop.

Quick kiss for my soulmate and into the car before she could come to her senses, and I was on the way to drop off our stuff.

One of the downsides of both Missy and I dropping decent poundage over the last year is that we’re both rapidly running out of clothes that fit. One of the upsides is that there’s good stuff at the thrift store. Now, I’m just hoping that someone out there is getting fat.

The run at the point? Absolutely everything it could be. Perfect temperature, legs felt good, lungs felt good. Really no gripes at all. The Nano was firing on all eight, a little Lyle Lovett, little Jamie Cullum, and an unexpected treat in “Sowing the Seeds of Love” from Tears for Fear.

Tell you what – having the Marathon over = huge load off of my psyche. Running’s fun again. Monkey is playing happily in the trees of my brain again, instead of jumping up and down on my back and flinging feces. The buzzard’s no longer perched on the doghouse. AND, Frazz rocked this sunday:

The song lyrics are as follows:

The Midwest’s climate poignantly
describes in sweet analogy
the pace and temporality
the seasons and our lives reflect.

I like this part especially –
the chilly breath of urgency
in sync with the cacophony
the pigments in the leaves project

We’re warned against complacency
while reassured emphatically
that aging isn’t entropy:
It’s how we reach our fiery peak.

That blinding blowout brilliantly
asserts a truth we need to see.
So pity, then, the retiree
who moved where autumn doesn’t speak.

heh, heh – he said “entropy”. Thermodynamics rocks, y’all.

Halloween / Make


Originally uploaded by billjank.

Jake wanted to be an airline pilot. We built his plane out of a 12″ cardboard tube from the hardware store, some 1/4″ plywood, and wrapping paper.

Been a big fan of Make since it launched, and have been trying hard to get Jake and Nate to see the beauty of DIY. The costume was a hit at Mystic’s Halloween Parade. It was exciting for me to see a majority of “made” versus bought costumes.

There were two “Wow, wish I’d thought of that” constructions, though. One was a girl dressed as a princess. The “Wow” bit was the unicorn she was “riding” – it was hanging off of her, much like Jake’s plane, ‘cept it had legs that hung down that she kicked with each step, looking like the unicorn was walking.

The other was a family of 3 kids, oldest Jake’s age, youngest about Nate’s age. They’d converted the family wagon into the coolest pirate ship I’d seen in a while. The hull was wood-look corregated cardboard, like on a school bulliten board; the masts looked like cardboard tubes, with sheets or pillowcases hanging of yardarms as sails. Very cool.

Lazy, Lazy


No, not really.

Well, kind of. Haven’t run since Wednesday, but that’s not necessarily a bad thing. Been resting and kind of stretching. Those are good things, for sure. Probably will try to do a pair of 5 milers this weekend to see how the old wheels feel.

Speaking of which, I got a mono-cog conversion kit for a Shimano hub for the old trek about a month ago so I can see what the old single-speed magic is all about. Granted, it’s not all hardcore and fixed gear, but that’s ’cause I know I like coasting.

In any case, I stopped by Mystic Cycle Center to see if I could pick up a chain for the new beast. I’ve got a brandy new 8 speed chain as backup for my wife’s bike at the house, but figured I’d check out their new digs. Didn’t get a chain, though. Cheapest they had was $25, which even the guy behind the counter told me was a rip-off. Guess they’ve got a mortgage to pay now. I can understand, but MAN.

BTW, I’m writing this waiting at the elementary school for the wife and boys. There’s a Halloween Ice Cream social tonight.

That’s about it. Liz and my new navy buddy are in my thoughts this weekend as they’re pounding out the Marine Corps Marathon. I’d wish them luck, but both of them are more than ready.

Life is good y’all. Enjoy the fall.

Podcast #4 – And the beat keeps runnin runnin

Podcast #4 (Will sound scratchy – recorded via phone)

Did the gerbil thing after work today. 25 minutes, about 2.6 miles.

Running felt good. Started at 6.5 MPH, about 9 minute miles, but had to slow down to 6.0 after a couple minutes. One of the upsides of the marathon is that I now have exact knowledge of where my achilles tendon and hamstrings are. But that can be solved by stretching.

About 15 minutes into the run, I bumped it up to 7.5 mph – felt great. Held it for about 5 minutes, and then back down to 6 mph for the rest of the run.

Only concern was that my heart rate peaked about 185 during the “fast” part, but I didn’t feel like I was in the red.

Mixed Emotions

There’s no real rhyme or reason to tonight’s post. Up front, I’ve got to say that I’m happy. Didn’t run today, but I will run tomorrow. I’m psyched I finished, I’m unbelievably blessed and know it, and, thanks to my lovely wife, am the happiest man in the world. Tonight, I just want to hash out a couple thoughts in public. That, and try to stay up to see the Astros struggle back.

As one of the wise men in my life said: “(D)on’t let yourself get too blasé over the whole thing.  A marathon is tough to finish.  Marathon training is tough to do.  You’re well on your way to your 6 impossible things before breakfast.  =) ”

I feel great today – even started taking the stairs again at work. Although that was probably defensive against loss of power thanks to the early nor’easter we’re getting. Could have run, but didn’t. Will run tomorrow. Gots to taper again…

Q1. Hindsight being 20/20, I had to ask the question: Would I do a first marathon again? Was the whole thing worth it?

A1. Yes, overall it was. Marathon is, in fact, a huge thing. It’s physiologically at the limits of what people can do, ultras nonwithstanding. There’s a reason the first guy to do it died – it’s a long, long, way. I now know there’s a huge depth of will in my chest that I don’t tap often enough.

Q2. What would you do differently?

A2. Stick completely to a training plan. Not make any excuses to put off or re-arrange the schedule unless absolutely necessary.

Longer long runs, and more of them. I only did one 20 miler. I made excuses for all the 18 milers. And I would have pushed through to about 24 miles.

Better planning on training runs. The “Circle K” water stop plan is nice in theory, but leaves a bit to be desired. Works for cycling, but in cycling, an extra 4 or 5 miles is like scratching your nose.

Set a reasonable time goal. Based on New Haven and my long runs, I don’t think it would have been unreasonable to shoot for, say, a 4:30 or even a 4:20. It’s probably just a personal thing, but finishing is kind of ambiguous for me personally. I don’t want to take anything away from anyone – believe me, I completely buy the “personal race” thing – but, for me, a reasonably fit guy in my early 30’s, with a history of at least attempted athleticism, an affinity for backpacking and manual labor, and a stubborn streak a mile wide, a six hour marathon (equates to between 4 or 5 miles an hour) should be something I could do almost without training, and with a week’s pack on my back. (This theory would also explain why most of my backpacking trips tend to turn into “death marches”.) Your mileage may vary.

Concentrated more on losing weight in May-July. I’m still 10 lbs or so above the top end of my BMI. 10 lbs I didn’t need to carry with me on the marathon. But food is so tasty…

Started with a bigger, better known race. Not to take anything away from the folks who put on Mystic Places or the valiant efforts of my younger brother, but a pace group and a better marked course would have been hugely helpful. Ditto well-known course. I’m still having chills about the last set of hills – dude, I felt mugged.

Continued to cross train. Running just completely burned me out. I said mean things about running, which has helped me through more rough times than anything else. I think I could have gotten away with switching one of the weekly runs for a ride or a swim. And, once I’d logged the 15 miler, I should have done the “short” weekends on the bike (10 minutes of riding for every mile of running scheduled).

Been better about using a course from either the house or the office instead of relying on Jamestown so often. Too easy to keep driving if timing is off…

Q3. So, why the long face, buckaroo?

A3. Partially exhaustion. Largely confusion. A wise man, discussing his own experiences, once said about a major accomplishment “(it) was far from what I had expected.  Its hard to put it out there just yet, but it wasn’t the glorious feeling I wanted.”

You’d think I’d have learned to have more realistic expectations by this point. Top 10% in high school. BS in Engineering and Math minor in 4 years without summer school. Strings of certifications and qualifications in the Navy and real world. MBA. Yet somehow each new thing I accomplish leaves a bigger gap.

In large part, it’s my own darn fault. 33 years old, and I’ve spent most of my life letting other people set goals for me. High School and College were givens. The Navy had a nice career path laid out – I played that as long as it was appealing to me. Since resigning from active duty, I’ve just kind of been floating, looking for someone who could use me, rather than figuring out how I wanted to drive my life.

At the same time, I’ve been somewhat stubborn and obstinate in wanting to find a way to live my life on my terms, instead of trying to listen to the still, quiet Spirit. The next phase of my life is going to try to concentrate on Him more than me. Dedication.

Q4. So, what next?

A4. New York.

After that, I’m not quite sure what I’ll be training for. Likely December to March will be weight loss. I’d like to drop from this morning’s 166 down to 150 before racing next year. Entirely within the realms of health and possibility.

Next year’s campaign is going to be focused on the Terramuggus Tri series. I cannot emphasize how much fun I had last year. Love the bike, love the run, tolerate the swim. Running for sure will include Bluff Point and New Haven, and I may have to squeeze in the trail half-marathon that Chris pimped earlier this year.

Q5. Any marathons?

A5. Not in the near future. I’ve done it – the box is checked, I can now sign my letters “Bill Jankowski, Marathoner” even if I get fat and lazy again.

For the record, that’s not a blanket “No, nuh-nuh, nada, nyet, never, rien.” 48 hours on, and only a dozen or so aspirin down the hatch, I’m kind of happy about the whole experience. But for the near future, there’s a ton of other stuff I’d like to do with the time. Not all fitness related. Actually, most of them not fitness related. And I’ve just got zero interest in sinking that much time into running again.

Q6. Should I run a marathon?

A6. (The following is an option by runmystic, and should not be acted upon without consulting with a physician, a physical therapist, your second grade teacher, preacher, two ex-girlfriends/boyfriends, and a half dozen people selected at random and paid for their effort in a half-day focus group. Any plans hatched after reading this opinion are the responsibility of the chicken who sat on that egg, and the writers, editors, staff, and investors of runmystic accept no liability beyond the price paid for the content. Which, last we checked was running us $5/month for hosting. Which, as a proxy for a shrink, is a pretty darn sweet deal for us.)

Absolutely, you should run a marathon. Why? Because you can. Because it sucks. Because pain is temporary, and can be overcome.

That’s it. Love watching baseball at Minute Maid with Bar in the box behind home plate.