7 Good Miles

Friday Afternoon – out of the office by four, past the other office to pick up someone’s pay stub, and over to Jamestown by about 4:30. Strap on the new sneaks, fire up the Forerunner, fire up the iPod, and bang out 7 miles in 62 minutes. Not so bad.

The upside is that the run was outstanding. Hit the runner’s high again. Again, heck – this was the first one in about nine months. Audioblogged it.

Nothing earthshaking this weekend. Messed about with the kids. Messed about with the house. Didn’t clean up nearly as much as I wanted to.

Last week – not quite so great as I’d hoped. One bike, one swim, two runs for 13 miles. Such is life.

Next week, my goal is to get something done every day.