Holy heck on a stick! Cycling movies!
Day: December 20, 2007
Star Wars Christmas Special
Hulu Invites
Hulu is the NBC/FOX video website. Techcrunch is offering invites to the beta, which are probably gone by the time you read this.
While you’re waiting, watch Master and Commander!
links for 2007-12-20
Ladies and Gents – allow me to digress for a minute. This article here is not important for what it says, but where it implies that we are going. Much as we’ve reached the point where a screen can be anything from a calculator to a photo-display to a movi
Here’s a question – the article says “At stake is whether Saturn’s moon could support alien life”. If the life’s on Enceladus, is it alien while it’s in its natural habitat? That turn of phrase strikes me as akward as saying that “Africa supports alien li