
Woke up this morning with sniffles and an itchy throat, so I blew off today’s long run.

That’s not entirely true. Woke up this morning with sniffles and an itchy throat on a sub 20 degree F day. Had to go to a monthly meeting at work at 8:30, and wanted to be able to play with the boys before leaving. Meeting went long. Wife needed sanity time away from the boys. Aforementioned sniffles didn’t go away. Stories of running coaches getting lung-ectomies and other sick runners ran through my head. Planned Sunday trip to NYC to see “The Gates” and the Dinosaurs with Jake ran through my head. So I blew it off, figuring one week won’t hurt me.

We’ll see.

2 thoughts on “Wuss”

  1. Been there! I think you made the right choice. Aside from preventing a long term illness, you may have prevented your wife from being locked up in the looney bin. :)

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