Rest Day/Weigh In

180 lbs AGAIN. Even after exceeding last week’s goals and avoiding monster most of the time. But following splurging on buffalo wings last night during the pre-game. But it’s all good. I feel more fit, and my clothes are getting bigger.

Forgot to post Sunday’s run – wanted to do 3 miles easy after Saturday’s epic up-hill trek. So I did 3 miles, no problem. Truthfully, the 3 miles went really well. Like 8:15 average pace well, with consistient negative splits well. (8:45/8:20/7:45! – where the heck did that last mile come from?)

But it was a fine way to end the week – absolutely beautiful blue skies, reasonable temperatures, and a general peace and well-being that came from interfacing with folks on active duty and realizing tha there are fine, fine people holding the line.

I went to bed at the end of the third quarter last night, and slept “in” (6 AM) since today was supposed to be a rest day. Woke up, and decided that my single addition (Inspired by but in contrast to Chris’ continual restructuring – not a criticism, but an alternative approach; I wish I had the discipline to dream up challenges like he does) to the program this week was going to be resuming pushups and situps. So, confusing the dog something fierce, I hooked my feet under the sofa and cranked out 40 situps, then flipped over and did 20 pushups. Baby steps.

In any case, today’s been torture. I’m finally caught up at work, so I could have afforded time to go run at lunch. Today was yet another day nice enough to have been made in California. Well, sort of- it hit maybe mid ’50s, which would be a SoCal inclement weather day. But the sun and sky was there, clear as if it’d blown in off of a 6,000 mile fetch riding the trade winds from Japan.

So to heck with rest, I’m swimming tonight.