Race 2 Replace Press Conference

So, I get home this evening and start going through the old in-box.

And I find an invitation to a phone conference with Discovery’s George Hincapie (who I’m strongly tempted to move my cycling man-crush to now that Cipo’s been retired for well over a year, mostly on George’s single-minded desire to win Paris-Roubaix), Johan Bruyneel (Director Sportif, coolest title in all of pro sports), and one of Disco’s marketing bubbas. Not only that, but it’s addressed to “Editor”.

So, being easily flattered, I reply. And lo and behold! They actually send over the toll-free number and the conference call passcode. So, looks like I know what I’m doing for lunch (and that’s finding some place with WiFi… Hey, if I were really high-speed, low-drag I’d do the call via Skype and post it… Sorry, no promises.)

In any case, I’ll invite you to go check out race2replace.com, proof that flattery and free stuff will get plugs on my website. Plugs, not endorsements. Though after Tyler (or Dick Pound, haven’t really decided on that one) broke my heart and Mario retired, I’m not sure I can endorse any given rider again.

After reading it this evening, I’ve added the RSS feed from The Paceline, Armstrong’s site, which is another sponsor of the press conference tomorrow. Interesting reading – very Team Discovery focused.

While I’m at it, I hope you all are reading Pez Cycling. Good writing and good coverage. That plug is un-requested.

2 thoughts on “Race 2 Replace Press Conference”

  1. dood. you…you are my hero. you’ve GOT to set up some way to record the whole thing.

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