Two glorious miles

So, I’ve been taking advantage of Nike’s deal with Wiggle Wireless to deliver workouts via text-messaging. Every morning at 0500, in conjunction with the alarm on the phone going off to wake me up, I get a text message with the day’s workout.

The idea is that I’ll haul out of bed and go do the workout before i go to work.

The practice is that I hit snooze, and wake up about 6 to head into the office, then work through lunch so I can run on the way home.

Overall, the system has been working for me – no planning, just run or do not run. Lets me concentrate on trying not to eat.

Today, the message said “TWO MILES.” Great, I can do that in my sleep.

Stopped by Jamestown on the ride home. A massive fog bank was rolling in off the Atlantic. The run was good – 10 minutes out (~1.1 miles), 8 minutes back! and a little jog to get up to 20 minutes.

Then, another quick snorkel. Very different today – the water was rough and choppy, and the bottom was really stirred up. Impressive to be in the water, in a very protected cove, and to just feel the power of the sea. 200 yards.

2 thoughts on “Two glorious miles”

  1. I long to live in a spot where I can write “Then, another quick snorkel.” Very cool.

    When I worked in a more traditional job (ie. actually having to be somewhere first thing in the morning), I used to play snooze games until the last possible moment. Crazy buttons, those are.

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