Stroke, Stroke, Kick, Kick, Breathe, Repeat

The BLUFF POINT TWILIGHT TRAIL race is this evening (as in today, Friday), so I didn’t feel too bad about blowing off running yesterday. It was kind of a crappy day, and I just wasn’t feeling motivated to do much of anything, much less run.

But, after getting home, having a light supper, and mowing the yard, I figured that it wouldn’t hurt to at least go get wet, so I headed over to the Y, and hopped in the pool.

Wish I could say that there was something transcendent about swimming last night, but there wasn’t. It was good, don’t misunderestimate, but in all it was just a swim. Though after two nights in the pool in a row, I’m greatly appreciating exactly how much a whole body exercise swimming is as opposed to running or cycling. And, I think I finally figured out how to do a flutter kick.

I wrapped up at 9 – I was the only person in the pool, which was really, really nice.

So, how do y’all feel about running in the rain?

PS – I got the new Wilco album,

    Sky Blue Sky

yesterday. It’s not the phenomena that the last two were, but it’s growing on me. Kind of like the ultimate breakup album, country and western with out the country or the western, and a good dose of organ. I recommend it.

4 thoughts on “Stroke, Stroke, Kick, Kick, Breathe, Repeat”

  1. As long as it’s warmer than about 40 degrees, it’s great. Below that, it’s pretty awful.

  2. running in the rain is like eating chocolate cake! even better when the trail gets a little sloshy.

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