Wounds Heal, Casts are Cool, and Chicks dig scars

Why are we failing at math and science? Because it isn’t fun any more. When you put safety on the highest altar, what do you give up? When fear of lawsuits — not to mention fear of technolog [From Why We’re Failing in Math and Science – O’Reilly Radar]

Amen, brothers and sisters. I think I’m giving the boys soldering irons for Christmas.

One thought on “Wounds Heal, Casts are Cool, and Chicks dig scars”

  1. Soldering irons? Why hold back? Buy them TIG welders!

    As a chemist, I am astounded at what they call a “chemistry set” these days. The real fun book to read? Is “Backyard Ballistics”. :)

    Of course, know that it is incredibly easy to very dangerous things like nitroglycerin. When my father was little, a kid down the street made a PINT of it. They called in a bomb squad (or whatever the equivalent was back then) and had it removed and dumped it into Lake Erie. Sometimes, there really is a line that shouldn’t be crossed.

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