Still Starstruck – Team Discovery Channel Press Conference

Wow. Just wow.

So, like I mentioned last night, I got an e-mail asking if I’d like to phone in to Team Discovery Channel’s pre-Tour de France press conference, specifically mentioning the “Race to Replace”. I replied – the phone conference was during lunch, and I figured that the worst would be that I’d be out some cell phone minutes. As soon as they asked for cash, I was planning on hanging up.

So, at lunch I debarked down to my local satellite branch of Brogan’s office, ordered up a large cup of hot, black, and bitter (just like my soul! and it was in the 60’s), sat out on the porch, and dialed the number.

“Passcode?” the voice on the other end asked. I answered.

“Name?” Bill Jankowski, of course.

“Publication?” Uh… Run, Run, Run, Run, Run, Cycle, Cycle, Too. (Man, I wish I didn’t have such a ridiculous blog title.)

“OK, well, I’m going to put you on hold, and it ought to start in a few minutes.” Thanks.

I’d called in five minutes early, like the publicist had suggested. After about 9 minutes on hold, I was about to hang up, thinking that someone had actually done a credential check and was saying “Who is this guy?” Then, someone actually picked up and started talking.

P.J. Rabice, Disco’s Press Director started off, saying that the major focus of the conference was to discuss the goals and ambitions of the Discovery Channel in the tour, but he wanted to clear up the whole “Race2Replace” thing, which I’ll do here, ’cause, let’s face it – if it gets me access, I’ll shill. There’s two separate but equal things going on. The first are a series of “Webisodes” at detailing the season. I’d post glowing reviews, but they run painfully bad on my aging G3 iBook. They’re OK in Safari, but if someone really wanted to send me a MacBook, I’d appreciate it. Until then, I’m saving my pennies, ’cause we’re buying a new roof.

The other part of “Race2Replace” is a “consumer event” at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway in August – hopefully we can get someone from the RBF there. It’s a charity ride, but there’s also a chance to win a spot to ride for Discovery at the US National Time Trial Championships. Which is pretty darn cool, much akin to giving the passcode to an actual press conference to a less than two-bit blogger in the middle of nowhere, Connecticut.

So, then PJ opened up the floor to questions. And, first out of the gate was Dell, from the USA Today. My jaw completely hit the table, and I about dropped my phone, realizing that, indeed, serious mistakes had been made and I was in way over my head.

The first questioner wanted to know if Johan was feeling any increased pressure from the Discovery Channel. Quick answer was – no, not really after Lance’d set the record. Disco’s happy that there’s a strong team this year.

The representative of The Discovery Channel, Derrick something or other, did hit on a theme that was near and dear to my heart, though. He said something to the effect of “The Discovery Channel is in the business of storytelling, and this year there are many compelling stories to be told.”

(Jank’s editorial aside: He’s exactly right, in more ways than just shilling cycling. We’re past the distribution hurdles that drove last century’s mass media; there’s far less of a hurdle in distribution, less of a hurdle to find content that’s interesting to a given individual. What’s left is pure competition, and the people who are going to win audience are the ones who can tell the best stories. The production qualities separating “professional” from “amateur” will no longer be orders of magnitude difference. Content and passion are what will win audience. The question is: given vastly increased supply, and vastly decreased demand – as more and more consumers become producers – will there still be a market? Or, will we go back to the pre-Industrial model where entertainment and information are secondary markets, done by many, many individuals for a tiny audience?)

Bonnie asked if there were a change in mentality or game plan without Lance. My line was muted, which was fortunate, as I said “Duh” out loud, making the other woman sitting at the sidewalk tables stare at me. Johan redeemed the question, though. He mentioned that Discovery is going to get to improvise this year, but that he’d give Discovery an edge since they had experience on their side. There’s personal ambition to be played out (Back to storytelling!) by guys like Hincapie, Popyvich. And with the pressure off, there’s teh chance to exploit weak moments (not to name names, but to quote Bruyneel, “Name of Ullrich, name of Basso…”

I cracked up when Johan mentioned that the Discos were going to “Think like they did”. The guy sounds pumped to have the pressure off, and Lance back stateside. He also brought up, and kept bringing up (a little bit of bitterness?) all the chances that Discovery hadn’t been able to exploit while defending Lance.

Kip, from Velonews (Be still my heart!) asked George Hincapie about his training following his solid showing at the Dauphine Liberie. George gave the rundown – he’d taken a couple of days easy, practiced for the Team Time Trial, ridden recon on all the stages in the Alps, and was taking easy days until the tour starts next week. (Side note: I’ve still got nothing but awe for Hincapie, but the guy doesn’t give good press bits. It’s not that he’s a poor speaker; he’s just completely level emotionally, and very to-the-point. No bravado, no swagger. Just plain old competence. He’s got legs).

Guy named Ed asked Johan how he was going to play the race, and what he’s told the team. Johan said he selected this team differently from any of his other teams, looking to stack it with riders who could think “strategically”. Again, he emphasized that they were going to try to avoid missing opportunities to attack, to join breakaways, and to shake the leaders. Sounded relieved not to have to control the race from Day 1. Guy pressed for Johan’s scenario for the race, but Johan played cagey.

Ed then asked George about Bobbke’s prediction that Hincapie would take the tour. George parried the dumb question perfectly, saying that he thinks it’s possible, but at this stage he doesn’t know how he’ll respond to the three week race. George then went on to emphasize that he’s never been in better shape than he is today.

Philip Hersh (again, no clue where he’s from, but probably famous) asked Johan if it seemed like 1999 again. Johan said that there were some similarities, but that the biggest difference was the presence of Basso and Ullrich, the #2 and #3 finishers from last year’s Tour. 1999, he pointed out, the favorite at the start was Bobby Julich. (Wow, I thought. But US interest in the tour was non-existant at that point, what with 7-11 distant history, and USPS in their first? year? The Armstrong marketing machine is fierce. More power to them…)

Johan said that he was sure Armstrong could win in 1999, but had the advantage of being the only one convinced of the possibility. As for this year, he was relieved that the spotlight was looking to Germany and Italy, and that the “less people talk about us the better.” (At this point, I was picturing both PJ and Derrick cringing, wanting to throw something at Bruyneel and remind him that the whole point of TDC giving him cash to chase men in tights all over the world was precisely to get people to talk about the team…)

Bruce Hildebrandt (again, didn’t catch his organization, sorry!) asked George if he’d done any different training now that he had General Classification ambitions. George said that he’d been concentrating on the Time Trials and climbing, going so far as riding his TT bike several times a week. He didn’t use many more words than that.

Bruce followed up to Johan asking why the Discos weren’t bringing a sprinter. Johan listed a couple of HUGE names (namely Tommy “Boom Boom” Boonen and Aussie Robbie McEwan) who will dominate the flat finishes, and acknowledged that there was no-one on Discovery at anywhere near their level. Pointed out that it wasn’t worth bringing a sprinter and lead out men to get several 4th or 5th place stage finishes.

John Lester, of the Associated Press (again, why am I here?) asked about the general state of cycling in the United States – ie, is there an audience without Lance to watch? Hincapie jumped on that bomb, noting that the overall level of excitement for the Tour is still high. He pointed to the millions who turned out to watch the Tours of Georgia and California. He also reminded us that there were 4 Americans in the top 15 at the 2005 Tour de France, and that, in its initial year, there were 4 Americans in the top 10 of the UCI Pro Tour rankings. George didn’t comment on any new American riders, noting that it’s tough to comment on young guys whose training habits hadn’t been demonstrated yet.

Cathy Neil asked about Martinez. Johan said that he’s kind of an unknown, rode the Tour last year, and that he’d done 3 or 4 Vueltas. He’s along ’cause he’s got lots of potential, is very aggressive, and is a decent climber. (Again, back to the theme of Discos as a disruptive force.)

James (something or other) asked about weak points for Ullrich and Basso. Bruyneel hemmed and hawed, but pointed out that Ullrich really doesn’t have a lot of choice but to win the Tour this year. There’s only so many times a body can handle finishing second… As far as other GC Contenders, he listed (that I scratched down) Floyd (Landis, I assume); Levi Leipheimer, Moreau (Christophe, I think, of AG2R), Mancebo (AG2R, too) and Vinokourov (assuming the asphalt isn’t melting in the Alps).

Dan Fries asked about Lance Armstrong’s role with the team (Hmm, I didn’t realize it until I’m typing this almost 12 hours later, but this was the first real question that involved Armstrong). Bruyneel was very non-commital. He mentioned at least once that he wasn’t afraid to call the Texan, but that it wasn’t sure if Lance was going to attend the race at all. Armstrong would be involved in any “difficult choices”, Johan stressed. But then Bruyneel discussed that Armstrong had ridden in the team car for a couple of stages of California, and had expressed difficulty in assessing the race (the tempo, the feeling in the Peleton, etc) from the car. Is this setting the stage for a graceful non-appearance by LA?

Richard Pestes (I wrote Custard) of PezCyclingNews, my current favorite cycling website, asked for a bullet on each rider. Johan pointed out that he’d done that when the team was announced, but broke the team down into three categories.

The first were the straight-up domestiques. Guys like Benjamin Noval who are going to be dragging water bottles and bidets all over France like common cyclo-tourists.

Then, there were the guys like Rubieria and Martinez who, word to their moms, would come to drop bombs, and that they had better legs than the Bible got Psalms. (He didn’t put it like that, but how can I resist the best rhyme of the early 90’s, the classic pairing of “Moms”, “bombs”, and “Psalms”?)

Lastly was the GC Guys. Johan thinks that he can, at a minimum, put one in the top 10, and wants to get them all as high as they can go.

Richard followed up to George, asking what were the key stages. Hincapie repeated that he’d ridden all the Alps Stages, and that they were “very hard” and “very late in the race.” Hincapie pointed specifically to the two “long” time trials, and that he’d be taking the race day-by-day, but hoped to show well in the Prologue. (I swear, George has been to the Nuke LaLoosh School of Sports Interviews. I couldn’t love the guy more if he said “We gotta play it one day at a time” on international Television. Plus, he married a podium girl, and during the conference you could hear their daughter tearing around wherever Hincapie was…)

The next question – strategy, read the previous post, etc…

The last question was really interesting, and more of the stuff I wish had been asked. Bonnie mentioned that it looked like George was physically better after his devastating crash at Paris-Roubaix, but wondered how he was doing psychologically? Hincapie came straight out and said that this year’s PR was a day to forget, and that it was a tough crash to take. That he’d never, ever felt better in the race. But, he acknowledged, the crash could have been much, much worse, and he was looking forward to other opportunities.

Johan, likewise was disappointed with the PR crash, but was impressed that even the evening of the crash that George was thinking about the TdF, and that he was back on the bike in a week.

That was it. There were some pleasantries, but then the line went dead. I was exhausted and amazed…

Actual Hard Cycling News – Team Discovery Channel is the Underdog

A week from Saturday, the world’s attention is going to be focused on Germany… I mean France… well, it’s the Rhone River valley, and Alsace, and who really can tell which country it is? Les Bleus will have gone down to Espana in the World Cup Round of Sixteen on Thursday, or to Brazil in the quarterfinals that afternoon, and attention will shift to le Tour.

Johan Bruyneel, Director Sportif of Discovery, is bullish (that’s optimistic, right? I always get that confused with bearish…) about Disco’s chances this year. With Lance Armstrong’s retirement, and exceptionally strong showings by T-Mobile’s Jan Ullrich in the Tour de Suisse and CSC’s Ivan Basso, winner of the Giro d’Italia, Bruyneel feels that Discovery is an underdog in this year’s Tour.

The team is stacked this year, with four or five GC contenders – long-time Armstrong lieutenant and Classics strongman, George Hincapie; two-time Giro d’Italia winner Paolo Salvodelli; 14-time Tour rider and Olympic time trial silver medalist Viatcheslav Ekimov; 2005’s fifth place TdF finisher Jose Azevedo; and former Under-23 World Champion and future Grand Tour star Yaroslav Popovych. Bruyneel feels that any of these men are capable of winning the Tour.

Team Discovery channel is also bringing a quiver of attackers, tasked to “create trouble for the other teams”. Chechu Rubieria and Egoi Martinez will be on the attack whenever possible. Discovery’s Director Sportif was especially excited about this new twist, noting that not having to defend a specific General Classification contender from day one means that they will be able to put additional pressure on the major contenders, guys by the “name of Ullrich, name of Basso” according to Bruyneel. Bruyneel noted that the Discovery Channel (former US Postal) team had passed on many opportunities in the past, but wouldn’t miss any chances this year.

George Hincapie, coming off a 10th place at the Dauphiné Libéré following recovery from a terrible crash at Paris-Roubaix early in the season, is extremely excited about the possibility to be riding for himself after many years of riding shotgun for Armstrong. After a “very tough” Dauphine, George took a couple of easy days before Team Time Trial practice in Holland, and a few days doing recon on the Alpine stages.

Earlier this year, legend-in-his-own-mind Bob Roll picked George to take it all in Paris. Hincapie doesn’t discount the possibility, but after years of riding in a support roll isn’t sure how he will respond to the spotlight. Going into the Tour, though, he says that he couldn’t be in better shape than he is today.

Bruyneel thinks that Discovery, with the last seven years in the full flood of the Tour de France’s spotlights, brings a little extra something to the table. Physically, Jan Ullrich and Ivan Basso are a step ahead of the competition. Ullrich, in particular, has been Discovery’s “worst enemy”, while Basso is coming up. However, neither T-Mobile nor CSC have the experience of defending the Maillot Jaune for three weeks, and Bruyneel thinks that other teams and managers have really forgotten the pressure of the Tour de France, not only from the demands of the stages, the challenges from other teams, but the intense media scrutiny that accompanies the favorites.

The big German, Jan Ullrich, will be under intense scrutiny. Ullrich, the 1997 Tour Champion, has “no other option but to win the Tour.” Ullrich has publicly stated recently that he intends to keep racing for only one or two more seasons, and would like to go out after a particularly big result. Would victory on the Champs after 9 years be sufficient?

On the question of the American audience for pro cycling surviving Lance’s absence, both Johan Bruyneel and George Hincapie are optimistic. Hincapie thinks that most of Armstrong’s fans will continue following the sport. When discussing non-Discovery GC contenders other than Ullrich and Basso, Bruyneel’s first two suggestions, Floyd Landis of Team Phonak and Levi Leipheimer of Gerlosteiner are both Americans. Additionally, Hincapie thinks that all of the Americans riding in the Tour this year are capable of winning stages.

Team Discovery Channel starts with several GC contenders, and a bunch of guys capable of playing major parts in every big break of the race. Bruyneel is looking for the first individual time trial, and the second stage in the Pyrenees to shake out his contenders. So, the Discos will spend the first half of the race playing spoiler, and the second half protecting their new Leader.

So, for the first time since 1999, the Tour de France starts without a clear-cut favorite, and Johan Bruyneel’s Discovery Channel team are free to mix things up again. There are distinct differences from 1999, namely the return of the second and third place finishers from last year’s tour. In 1999, the Tour was recovering from 1998’s Festina Affair, and neither Ullrich nor the late, great Pirate, Marco Pantani, were racing.

UpdatePez’s Transcript

Team Discovery Channel Press Conference Teaser

I called in.

Johan and George were, indeed, there.

So were real, honest-to-God, journalist types from real, honest-to-God, media organizations like USA Today, PezCyclingNews, the Associated Press, etc.

I didn’t get a chance to ask a question, but am not actually sure my mouth would have functioned given the chance. Most of what I wanted to know was covered.

Conference was about an hour, I’ve got about 4 pages of notes. Would have typed them up, but I forgot my laptop at the house. So, come back sometime this evening, once I’ve gotten home, and I’ll dish.

Race 2 Replace Press Conference

So, I get home this evening and start going through the old in-box.

And I find an invitation to a phone conference with Discovery’s George Hincapie (who I’m strongly tempted to move my cycling man-crush to now that Cipo’s been retired for well over a year, mostly on George’s single-minded desire to win Paris-Roubaix), Johan Bruyneel (Director Sportif, coolest title in all of pro sports), and one of Disco’s marketing bubbas. Not only that, but it’s addressed to “Editor”.

So, being easily flattered, I reply. And lo and behold! They actually send over the toll-free number and the conference call passcode. So, looks like I know what I’m doing for lunch (and that’s finding some place with WiFi… Hey, if I were really high-speed, low-drag I’d do the call via Skype and post it… Sorry, no promises.)

In any case, I’ll invite you to go check out, proof that flattery and free stuff will get plugs on my website. Plugs, not endorsements. Though after Tyler (or Dick Pound, haven’t really decided on that one) broke my heart and Mario retired, I’m not sure I can endorse any given rider again.

After reading it this evening, I’ve added the RSS feed from The Paceline, Armstrong’s site, which is another sponsor of the press conference tomorrow. Interesting reading – very Team Discovery focused.

While I’m at it, I hope you all are reading Pez Cycling. Good writing and good coverage. That plug is un-requested.

Things I love about the Bike 2006 – #1 – Mud

So, let’s start this again. Last year, I completely failed to finish what I started, so this year I’ll work from the bottom up, dig. Not sure where we’ll stop.

#1? We’re starting with Mud.

Tonight? Home in time for supper. The wife, my mom, and the boys headed out this morning and picked strawberries. Wow. At least there’s some good coming from all this &)(#$$! rain we’ve been having this spring. Nutmeggers? I highly suggest you find your friendly neighborhood pick-ur-own berry patch and spend a little time enjoying nature’s bounty this weekend. Never before in my life have I had strawberries even close to these.

Supper was salmon, spinach salad with white cheese, walnuts, strawberries, and strawberry vinaigrette dressing. Dessert was hand-dipped chocolate covered strawberries out of the freezer. The freezer was just slightly longer than necessary to harden the chocolate, but ended up being brilliant since the berries weren’t completely frozen, but at the squishee/slurpee/frozen coke stage. Yum.

We played in the yard for a bit, and, as Mom’s been taking bath duties, I strapped on the MTB to do a spin on the neighborhood singletrack.

Remind me that I need to carry a saw up the trail this weekend – there’s a couple of trees down right at the start of the trail. Not big enough to have fallen all the way down to the ground, but too big to just push off the path.

Anyways; biffed once on the first climb, but found the groove that’s been missing from my riding for a while on the first descent. Did one out-n-back, looked at the light situation, and decided that I could squeeze in another one without running out of light. No problems at all with that – things were clicking (in the metaphorical good way, not the bad oh-crap-are-my-bearings-about-to-seize way), and I was seeing the lines on the trail instead of the rocks and the endos.

The new, paranoid me was starting to freak out, thinking that the common thread in every big crash I’d ever experienced was that feeling of eupohria just before I found myself butt-over-teakettle on the ground. As a result, I managed to ride straight through the middle of a mud hole.

As soon as I realized where I was and got the bike under control, fear turned to joy. The squish of mud around the tires, the feeling of cold, wet earth splattering the back of my calves, and the smell of mud on my upper lip took me back to being 7 and taking the BMX back in the woods behind Amy Briggs’ house. I managed to stop making “Brrrroom, brrrroom” dirtbike noises, but the feeling was there.

I ended up biffing once more on the ride home. Absolute classic – I caught a branch with my back tire approaching another mudhole. Bike stopped, Billy kept going (kids, notice how consistiently I apply Newton’s second law of momentum even at risk to my own life and limb). Over the handlebars, through the air, and into the dirt. Which was cool, ’cause there were the biggest f’n deer tracks I’ve seen in my life literally under my nose.

Yes, I love mud. Always have, always will.

* Note – before the trail nazis reproach me for encouraging erosion, neither of the puddles I rode through are on slopes – they’re collecting basins, and riding through them really doesn’t accelerate runoff. Though, if I were really pure in heart, I’d haul in a load of gravel to fill them in with…

Go drop condolences on Mark and the rest of the Canadian RBF. Some jerk made fun of hockey in Mark’s comments.



We just had what ought to be a mid-summer thunderstorm roll through after the boys and my mom were in bed. The wife and I were down on the couch watching a tape of our guilty pleasure, Jay Leno’s Headlines, as the storm started. Quietly, at first – the rumble of distant thunder, indistinguishable from the rumble of the washing machine in the basement.

As the storm rolled through, the lightning grew brighter, the “one-mississippi, two-mississippi, three-mississippi…” between the flash and the thunder became a “one-mississ..”. We turned off the TV because we couldn’t hear it over the rain. Buckets, I tell you. Buckets. We stood in the front doorway watching the rain and the thunder and the lightning close but not touching. I could smell her hair over the ozone and the wet earth, and feel her warm and near in the cool of the storm.

Then, like that, it was over. The flashes moved back into the forest, the rain stopped, and there was nothing but the dripping from the trees, the still of a summer night, and the woman I love, just like so many summer storms before.

Happy Father’s Day and Summer’s here

Yesterday – wow.

My mom’s in town (dad’s tied up on business). Jake and I headed off to church a little early to take care of some admin on the Fair Trade coffee mission that Missy and I run, and Missy, mom and Nate followed about a half hour later in the other car. It didn’t make sense to drag two cars around for lunch, so Jake and I planned to take the bike and third wheel back to the church while Nate napped that afternoon.

So, we did. There was a little kerfuffle about a half mile from the house when Jake’s pedal fell off – hadn’t torqued it in, mostly out of habit and experience with well-made bike stuff. The third wheel’s a cheap one from Target. Works like a champ, but weighs in somewhere upwards of maximum ratings for automobile freight. The pedal’s in there good. I dragged him with the mountain bike, with knobbies still attached, so, given our combined weight and rolling resistance, we weren’t about to set any land-speed records.

This was the first time we’d attempted a ride of any real distance without him in the trailer. He did swimmingly. There was absolutely NO complaining about “Are we there yet?” and only a modicum of worry while going down hills. We stopped at Spicer Park – surprised that there were no rowers out – for a couple of drinks of gatorade, and I got a “Come on, daddy, we’re wasting time that we could be riding…” The kid could turn out to be a killer. Though he did get distracted on the way back to the parking lot by some ants and shiny rocks.

The drag up Long Hill past the high school and police station was as tough as I’d expected; however, I swear I could feel the kid pushing. Absolutely awesome. We made the car and about 12 miles in around an hour, give or take. Even though it was the hottest day yet this year, there was no whining by the boy, and he looked fresh when we got off. What a trooper.

When we pulled up to the house, the wife was putting out the Slip’n’Slide in the front yard. They’ve gone high-tech with these things: Not only are they slippery now, but they come with integral “splash pools” and inflateable bumpers at the end. I finished mowing the back yard, and joined the boys sitting in the splash pool. Then the wife actually let me cook for once – kabobs on the grill, followed by a wild blueberry cobbler (frozen berries, but if you’re cooking them, what’s the difference?)

Today: Determined not to let the week get half done before I start running, I laced’em up at lunch, and decided to see how the old rash would feel. Turns out, running actually made the residual itch bearable this afternoon. 5.2 miles, over 47 minutes. So, not so speedy, but it was 80 and 70% humidity – the hottest I’ve run since, like, September. But, I was running again. Good stuff. The wife ordered me a Frazz t-shirt from for Father’s Day, and I broke it in. Think Mallett might approve. Next step is to get it showing up randomly in RBF pictures…

Scale was down to 168 again. Still no net loss since like January, but who’s complaining? It’s summer, the race monkey is off my back (which means I’m itching to line up again), and I can focus on slaying my own demons.

Edit: Completely slipped my mind – before supper, we realized that the cobbler for dessert was going to be way, way too healthy – granola, next to no sugar, etc. So, we started jonesing for some vanilla ice cream to wash it down. And rather than burning dinos and going to the real grocery, I threw the baby in the jump seat of the wife’s bike and shimmied on down to the gas station/convinience store down the road. Sure, we paid an extra buck for the half-gallon of delicious vanilla bean ice cream, but we saved 8 miles in the car, and I got to hear my youngest yelling “Pedal faster daddy” while pounding my back.

Thoughts on t-ball as a metaphor for life

Found this as an orphaned post.

Things I can do better:

Get started on the details earlier. I’m a terrible procrastinator. I let the list of kids sit for a week before I called my first practice. Consequently, the kids missed out on at least one opportunity to play.
Figure out how to better use available resources. There were a bunch of parents who were willing to help. I, however, missed out in two ways. First, it’s easier to recruit people to do well-defined tasks. I didn’t take the time to figure out how to divvy up coaching. And I was surprised at the number of parents on the team who hadn’t played sports at all as kids and who didn’t even know the basics. I’m thrilled that they dragged their kids out, but it really did kind of surprise me.
The second bit that I should have done here is to actually ask.

For the Dumb Idea File

Using the weed-eater (string trimmer, whatever) on poison ivy while wearing sandals; then sitting on a plane wearing same sandals without first steam-sterilizing them. The ivy’s some weird stuff – had an incubation period of about 4 days before the rash got really, really bad. But I went and checked where I ran the weed whacker, and yes-indeedy! “Leaves of three, let them be.”

Let them be sprayed with round-up, if I weren’t violently opposed to using serious chemicals in the yard.

Fertilizer doesn’t count. Weed’n’feed will count after this summer.

Tried to go run today; feet hurt too much to get more than a half-mile. Grrrr.

Had the last t-ball game today; went surprisingly well. Think I’ll miss the kids…