Wow, that was fast

Not the DMV. Definately not the DMV.

Man, talk about pulling freakin’ teeth. I went to get my driver’s license renewed this morning. Got there 15 minutes before it opened, and there were already 40 folks in line. Luckily, most of them were teenagers waiting for the driver’s test, so once the DMV opened, I was at the counter with my renewal form, check, and voter registration card (I’m now a registered member of the Connecticut Whig Party/Trotsky Brigade – maybe I’ll stop getting poll calls this fall). The dude took my picture and asked me to wait.

Fastforward to 2 hours later – someone finally checks the printer, and there’s an issue – no licenses have been printed at all today. FSCK. They reboot, and bang – I’m out of there.

Busy, busy day at work, but rewarding. I stayed late ’cause I had thought I was going to get in touch with an old shipmate from the war (honest to gosh). He ended up tied up, so I went shopping for Missy’s birthday (She doesn’t look a day over 16), and then went to do the 50 minutes I missed yesterday on Jamestown.

Man, what a day! Sunshine and blue skies, with the shadows starting to get long and, even though the temps were in the mid-70s, there was the smell of fall in the air. I stretched out the 50 minutes to 52 minutes – I wanted to do the turnaround at 6 miles, ’cause I ought to be able to run 6 miles in 50 minutes (~8:30 pace).

The trip back was amazing – negative split and all that. 28 minutes out, 24 minutes back, and Paula Radcliffe (Man, I’m still smarting from watching her limp into the Birds’ Nest) telling me I’d set a new personal best for the mile.

I floated in the cove for a while – the water was brisk, and I didn’t sweat all over the seat on the drive home.

I cannot wait for New Haven.