Bondi Beach

I got up at 5 this morning, with the intent of heading over to world-famous Bondi Beach for a little bit of a run along their Cliff Walk. Got there a little after 6, and was completely blown away.

First, it is an absolutely spectacular beach – perfect sand , nice arc, amazingly blue water (the first Bondi Blue iMacs were aptly named).

What blew me away was that when I got there, again at a little after 6 am, the place was packed. On a Friday morning. As in, you couldn’t throw a rock without hitting someone running, kickboxing, doing pilates, yoga, whatever. There were probably close to 100 surfers out waiting for waves. But the place was PACKED.

The other thing that was cool to see was that people were bringing their kids at the crack of dawn. Motivates me to maybe drag Jake and Nate off the couch on Saturday mornings.

Which kind of jibes with what I’ve seen while here – there are groups working out in the park every evening, tons of runners and cyclists.

Anyway, it goes a long way to explaining why Americans are beginning to look like those folks in Wall-E.

All right, one quick swim, and I’m back to the hotel. I’ll go see the New South Wales art museum, and maybe the Australia Museum, and consign myself to misery on the way home.

One thought on “Bondi Beach”

  1. Aussies are fine physical specimens. They carry the water for the rest of the world when it comes to fitness.

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