I’m an idiot, but had a great run

So I wake up this morning, and am getting ready to head to Newport. Got the clothes in which to run on, shower bag all ready, and I’m pumped. Go to grab my keys, etc from the drawer, and realize I’ve still got the key for the projection equipment in the Waterford conference room.


So, it’s round ‘about 6:30 AM, no one will be at reception at the Waterford office until about 8 AM. Rats.

I head over to the office on the off chance that I can catch one of my coworkers in early on the Friday before a holiday weekend (HA!), and as I pull into the office I notice:

Hey, that’s a darn nice hill out front.

Then I remember that our web group has a shower (that they keep silent about, I guess for fear that someone would actually use it.)

Score. The day is much, much better. As best as I can figure it, I did about 3.3 miles round trip, up the huge hill, down the other side, and over a few rollers, then back to the office.

Got back, showered, and reception was in. Woo Hoo!

Then I blew everything by stopping at Tim Horton’s on my way to Newport. Stupid Canadians. They’re invading, and taking us over with delicious baked goods (whatever the heck those are, but they’re all good, so far…) and about the best cup of coffee I’ve found at a donut store.