The New London Day (Local Newspaper) is starting their “Shape up for Summer” series every Monday for the next 12 weeks. Since I’m not currently “on” any program, I figured “What the heck?” and threw my name in the hat.
So, this is a new category, etc, to follow the progress and advice in the Day, and see if I can’t kickstart the 20 lbs or so I still need to drop.
Good weekend; will write later. Taxes this week, so expect either light posting, or explative laden posts as The Man gives his annual sticking to the Jank Family finanaces. I think there should be something else added here, some sort of one line semi-libertarian (I’m working to register Jankertarian as a party) tirade/motto*, but not sure what… Open to suggestions
* – Must be suitable for a family blog. I’ve come up with one, but, it involves five of the seven deadly sins, and all of the words you can’t say on television. In one sentence.