25 things I love about the bike – #17

The Quick Release

Bicycle Wheel Quick Release

Legend (and actual fact, in this case. But legend is so much cooler …) has it that Tulio Campagnolo (Yes, that Campagnolo) was headed over the Croce d´Aune Pass in the Dolomites during a bike race. Much like The Boy’s bike, Tulio’s wheels were fastened to his frame with nuts and bolts. In the middle of a blizzard, at the top of a mountain pass, Mr. Campagnolo was unable to get his numb fingers to properly operate the tools to get his tire off to fix a flat. Out of frustration, he invented the quick release, started a company to make and market it, and now has moved on to the stuff of legend.
Continue reading 25 things I love about the bike – #17