(Not Quite) Spring Fever

Hi, y’all.

Its been tough going lately, at least as far as running is concerned. There’s just not enough hours in the day for work and getting outside. And the ankle troubles are back. Not sure what brought them on, but I would hazard a guess that there is something to do with a little bit of inconsistiency in my training. Not so effective to try to cram a week’s worth of miles into the last three days of the week.

Looks like I’m not going to make the full marathon at Oklahoma City. But I’m happy with the half, ’cause I get to see my shiny new niece and nephew.

But, I was back running today, on a reduced schedule for the half. And the run was good.

Man, this feels awkward. It’s almost tougher to write again after a break than it is to run.

Either that, or I’ve just got less to say.

One thing I worry about is that it’s becoming much easier to consume entertainment on the web than is strictly healthy. I’m trying to pare down my RSS reading, and Hulu, as cool as it is, is as bad a time-sink as YouTube.