best. shoes. ever?

Yep. Broke down and got new kicks. And, by god, it may have been the best decision I’ve made in a while.

The boy and I swung by the store this afternoon and picked up a new pair of shoes. We then proceeded to the beach, terrorized hermit crabs for a while, and headed home for hot dogs and a bath. After the kiddos were in bed, I strapped on the new shoes and headed out for a shakedown cruise. It was everything I could have dreamed it could be.

The weather still stunk – warm and humid. I’d say it was raining, but I’m not entirely convinced that the water falling from the sky was rain – I think it was probably just coming out of suspension as a 100% humid day cooled to a 100% humid night. Some 18th century Briton has a set of curves named after him that describe in detail how much water per unit volume air per air pressure per degree there can be until a saturated system is achieved – this was theory in practice, baby. I hadn’t worried any more about eating. And, I was just doing the recovery run programmed in – nothing special distance-wise.

But “it” was there – the stride felt good out of the gait (get it? It’s a pun!), breathing was happening – all of that. Even with a belly full of cucumber and hot dog. The most telling thing, IMO, was that I wasn’t having to concentrate to make my footfalls sound light – they just did.

So, 5 miles down, not quite at recovery pace. I’m happy. Think it’s the shoes, but we’ll revisit in a couple of months. I do know I was happy with my running up until I switched shoes from the last pair. The next two paragraphs are pretty much straight ahead consumerism – Runner’s World, if you want to use them, I’ll tell you where to send the check.

On the outside, the Gel Cumulus VII is a pretty serious overhaul from the Gel Cumulus VI. Most of the “flash” is gone, except for a toe and heel reinforcement that are a blue normally only found in science fiction movies. Cobalt, I think is the proper color. The asics crossroads are thinner, and seem to be kind of structural. My favorite part – they took the stretchy mesh that they used on the Gel Verdict series (now sadly discontinued) and made most of the upper from that. So when you lace them up, it’s kind of an even stretch. Verry, verrry nice…

On the soles, they left the cool see-through window into the gel at the heel, and added a window on the outside of the ball of the foot. They also did away with a bunch of the hard plastic on the bottom, which I think is going to make this a better trail shoe. At least in dry weather. The bottom of the soles looks a whole lot more durable – lots more carbon rubber, less just foam, and a whole lot less hard plastic.

So the functional part – the sole and cushioning – I think are unchanged. The upper, in my opinion (which on this page is king), is a vast improvement – better materials, less “bling”, more function. The contact surface with the road seems more durable – again, we’ll revisit in a while. And the most important part – the running – is still there.

worst. run. ever.

12 miles on Saturday completely blew.

1. Wet. Great gracious me, I thought I was back in Houston. Temps at the start of the run were probably mid 70’s at most, but it was darn near 100% humidity. I swear my shirt was soaked before I hit the top of the driveway. Couldn’t breathe, what being underwater and all.

2. Shoes. I don’t know that I can necessarily blame them – I did the 15 in my new-ish pair of New Balance 833’s last weekend and didn’t feel a thing but good. Today – my arches felt collapsed, my ankles felt twisty. Blech. I’ve been having foot pain off and on since swapping my Asics for these; think it’s time to go back to what works. Stupid $60 down the drain…

3. Nutrition. Left at 6 AM. Nothing to eat at the house. Usually, if I’m running in the AM, I’m doing it over near work on Jamestown or Newport, so I huff something (‘nana, blueberries, granola bar, coffee, coffee, coffee)) down before I eat. Although, again, I didn’t bother with that for the long run in Vermont. Saturday, I also took a PowerBar with me instead of relying on candy, etc. Ate the PowerBar at about mile 4, and didn’t feel quite right after it. Think it’s back to Swedish Fish for next week.

Regardless, the run stank. I probably walked 3 or 4 of the 12 or so miles. (Good! says Galloway – walk/run is a great way to prepare) If it weren’t for the great long run last weekend, over a bigger distance, and two decent runs last week, I’d be severely discouraged.

Instead, I’m psyched about new shoes and trying again this evening. Hope everyone else is avoiding the heat…

Y U been gone so long?

(Click here for soundtrack; courtesy of the Oxford American, which is recently relaunched with their annual Music Issue. Best $9.95 you will spend on tunes this year.)

15 miles last Saturday was cake. Doing it on the 5 mile long trail through Stowe was brilliant – beautiful weather, flat run, and I was able to go about 2 miles from the hotel, stash the camelback, run about 5 miles total to the end of the trail and back, pick up the camelback and suck down a healthy dose of water and Swedish Fish over the next 5 miles, ditch it and do the last 4 miles without the weight. Good times.

Canoeing Saturday Afternoon rocked – we used these guys – great equipment, pretty decent safety brief before, and a beautiful day on the river.

Sunday and Monday deserve detail and pictures – Sunday was hiking and swimming in a pond at the top of the Smuggler’s Notch ski area, and Monday was climbing the road between Stowe and Jeffersonville on a rented bike – so I’ll do them later.

Work has been busy. Boys are back, healthy and happy, from Texas. Wednesday was another great 7 miles on Jamestown – I figured out how to add a ton of hills and a mile to the run from the soccer field. Did it in just under an hour, which, while not flying is not bad.

Thursday was 6 at Bluff Point. THursday was hot and painful.

Tomorrow is 12 miles, early, to beat the heat. Then, I catch up on other blogs.

Couple of random runs and Vacation

Woo Hoo – Vacation.

I write this from the deck by the pool of the Golden Eagle Lodge in Stowe, VT, while my lovely wife is getting ready to head out to supper. The boys are safely at my folk’s house in San Antonio after an unexpected overnight in Elizabeth, New Jersey (heh – I feel kind of bad, but we tried to talk Ma and Pa out of the trip. The kids – no worries about either of them).

Wednesday – what a great run after work. It was hot, hazy and humid – even though it wasn’t foggy, it was tough to see Jamestown Island from Newport Island. I decided I’d time my run by iPod – do about 5 miles at a 9 minute pace. Good run despite it being near 90 and near 90% humidity (felt like I was running with Christian in Katy). Even better was coming home and putting it into the Gmaps Pedometer – 6.3 in about 50 minutes! Smokin!

Thursday was a tough day at work. Bunches of stuff came up, and I didn’t get to run. BUT, I did get out of the office by 4:30, and we were headed north by 6. Supper in Mass. Needed gas in White River Junction, so we figured we’d stay. Good choice. Good hotel, and a good run this morning – downhill to the Connecticut River (stealing Jeff’s “Epic” theme, I’d love to canoe or kayak from the headwaters down to the sound. Maybe when the boys are older…), then uphill back to the hotel. 4 miles, and man, are the hills killer.

Tomorrow is 15 miles. Stowe’s got a sweet 5 mile multi-use trail – figure I can do a lap and a half on that, right from the hotel. Beauty.

Off to find food…

Meme ‘o’ the week

Got tagged by Jeff

q: what are you training for now?
a: I’m planning on continuing my current theme of not necessarily doing the smartest thing, according to whatever training book you want to read, and doing my first marathon at the Mystic Places marathon (which, curiously enough takes place not in Mystic, but about 15 miles down the coast in Niantic) in late October, and then following it up with the New York Marathon the first weekend in November. My goal is to finish.

Actually – scratch that. Right now, the biggest reason I’m running is that I decided last winter that I was sick of being overweight. Not like really and truly fat, but at the point where I could make jolly and plump jokes. I am training because I want to be lean. The marathons are merely vehicles.

q: if you are raising money for a cause, what is it and why is that cause important to you?
a: I’ll be honest – I’ve done the MS 150, but kind of looked at the minimum fundraising goals as an entry fee. I’d like to pretend I’m doing something important, but frankly, my training is all selfish now, and likely to remain so for another year. I might do a charity ride/run, but right now fitness is all about me, so again, minimum goals would be mostly a donation from me.

q: what is the furthest distance you’ve run in your training and what is the furthest distance you will run before your event?
a: If you’re willing to count the attempt I made to train for the 2000 Disney Marathon back in 1999 (before I gave it up in favor of my first, and most impressive) sympathy pregnancy, I’ve hit 16 miles at a shot. This time around, I’ve hit 13 miles so far. On my training plan, 20 miles (3x) will be my long runs. Although I’m looking at Niantic more as a training run for New York than a marathon in its own right.

q: what is your favorite flavor of gu? (or other sports gel)
a: Uh – yeah. I’m kind of a luddite as far as this is concerned. I do the gatorade and bananas thing. I will rock a powerbar occasionally, but that’s usually whatever’s on sale. Oh, and cookies – I fuel my long runs/rides between gas stations and Chips Ahoys.

q: How many days a week do you run?
a: I try for five. I do Tuesday through Thursday, long run on Saturday, and try to do a short recovery run on Sundays. I’ll skip the Sunday runs pretty frequently, but we’re usually pretty active after church, so if I miss the run, I don’t feel bad. I try to do something cross-training wise on Monday and Friday.

q: Are you injured in any way right now? if so,what are you doing about it?
a: Nope, knock wood.

q: what is one item of running clothing/gear (shoes don’t count) you can’t run without?
a: shorts? ID? I guess shorts would be it – don’t see myself recreating the ancient Olympics, though mostly for legal reasons.

q: do you have a talisman you are planning on taking to your event? if so, tell us!
a: No.

q: Share one thing about yourself we don’t know.
I was quite the thespian in High School. Always did the school plays. Even got to pinch Penny Grigsby’s butt as lecherous old Uncle Willie in “The Philadelphia Story”. In college, even as an engineering major, I got a part in one of the Senior directing class one-acts. Despite having an audition that began with one of the directors asking “Uh, is this serious? Are you really an engineer?” After the performance, the biggest compliment my girlfriend (now wife) could muster was “Well, we could really hear you…”

And, just because I’m in an early generation, I’ll tag Jon, April-Anne, and Susan

July errata

1. Actually ran today. Had 5 on the schedule, and did the Jamestown route that I had thought was just over 6. The Google Maps Pedometer lists it at about 5.9. Which makes sense – I did the out in 23 minutes, and the back in 25, spending 5 walking trying to get my iPod to unlock (I was able to reset it in the car on the way home). First run I’ve had in two weeks that actually felt good – not quite a runner’s high, more like a runner’s contact high. Oh, and the guy who programmed the Gmaps Pedometer is raising money for the American Cancer Society when he runs the Chicago Marathon.
Continue reading July errata


More or less.

I’d like to claim that I was totally and completely busy for the last week or so, but I’d be kind of lying. I have been busy enough that, while I have missed y’all greatly, other things (like sleep) have been more pressing. I’d apologize, but we’ve all been there, or will be.

The black cloud that struck Dianna and April-Anne skirted past Mystic, but never actually struck. Work’s been stressful but productive, the baby’s been sick, better, sick again, and better again, and I kind of blew a week’s worth of training.

Warding off the cloud – the boyos and I headed down to the Seaport for the antique and small craft weekend. Lots of beautiful boats I forgot to take pictures of while trying to keep the baby from walking off the wharf.
jake and nate in whaling boat 3
Continue reading Back

Bluff Point Run, Reunion, and Repast

A huge shout out to Susan, Dianna, Sarah, and David – by far the high point of the week. Each and every one of them deserves a gold star for not only waiting patiently for me and Jake as we showed up at least 15 minutes late (Sorry, sorry, sorry – I was born a week late, and my mom says I haven’t caught up yet), but for being great running companions.
Continue reading Bluff Point Run, Reunion, and Repast

8 Miles – 80 minutes, right?

Pshew. Today? Everyone’s cranky. Not sure quite why, but everyone is.

Somehow, I get the yard mowed, Missy gets the boys in bed, and I start feeling guilty about skimping on my 8 miler that was scheduled yesterday. So I throw on the iPod, toss on the shoes, and hit the road. Goal was 80 minutes.

Made the goal. Watched the sun set. Watched the river turn to glass.Ran 2.3 miles straight up hill.

Good times.