Quick one

Actually watched Monday Night Football last night. Great game. Is it just me, or is Madden beginning to go kind of senile? Regardless, I loved the commentary, and the game was pretty good. Made even better by the fact it was Dallas v. Philly, and I could play the opening monalogue off of the VU’s 1969 Live album with Lou Reed’s immortal “You ought to give people a chance. In football, anyway.”

The diet hasn’t kicked off too well, though – wings, cheese, and summer sausage. Melissa made the wings off of a recipie out of a magizine – I need to look it up since they were great. They were boiled and then baked, so some of the fat had melted off. Added a bit of Tabasco, but that’s just ’cause everything needs more ‘basco. Haven’t weighed myself since Friday – Jack is already at least two pounds down on me. Good on him.

Managed to run before work today. Nothing special, just 20 minutes or so on the exercise path at NUWC. 2.5 miles according to Gmaps Pedometer. But it felt good to be running again. Felt good to get it out of the way early.

Weather was on the warm edge of chilly, driven home by the low, grey clouds rolling by overhead, and the silent V’s of geese heading south. Might could have used gloves, but it wasn’t so cold that I needed to pull my hands inside my shirt. Legs were kind of confused – not quite sure if they wanted to run, or if they wanted to complain. I told them to shut up and go.

Tried to take it easy, but the Nano kicked out “Spiders (Kidsmoke)” off of Wilco’s “A Ghost is Born” album. Quickly dialed up the whole thing, and spent most of the run just completely lost in the music. Perfect album for running on a grey day in late fall. Perfect album for navel gazing, which I’ve been doing a bunch of lately.

Think I’ll try to get to the pool tonight for another slow swim, and then take tomorrow off. Either that, or wake up and try out the wife’s Kathy Smith Pilates tape. Need to work the core.